शनिवार, 26 जनवरी 2013

Who is who?

Nand Kishore Roy,
Inspector Posts
(June, 2004)

Who is who?

Dear friend! think who is who?
Your parents are today with you,
Your wife, relatives too with you,
But when you don't fulfil their desires,
Relations remain as hollow to you;
Dear friend! then think carefully
Who is what and what is who?

Every thing that's seen today
Is bounded to go tomorrow.
Even the man, wisest of creation
Has to go and has to go;
Dear friend! then think carefully.
What is yours and what is yours?
 One comes alone and goes alone;
 Even the body nor goes along,
 In this creation is your none.
 So, have refuse in God alone;
 Dear friend! now hold it firmly-
 None is yours, but God alone.  
-: *********:- 

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